
Thursday, June 27, 2013

World Curl

Right now, my amazing cousin is in the hospital. (Don´t worry, she's just going to have her baby, she's not sick.) I am so excited because my family hasn't had a a new member since my nephew Caleb, and he was born 4 years ago! So, you can imagine this is a pretty big moment. It's also my cousins first baby!! It's going to be a little boy named Kayden (we need more girls in this family!) just kidding......

No family members are at the hospital with her besides her boyfriend (child's father)  parents, and siblings. The rest of us aren't there, and we usually are. So, ever since 9:30 last night I have been texting my aunt, checking to see if my cousin (the one going into labor soon) is all right. I pray that everything goes smoothly, well as smooth as a childbirth can go.....

Now, my family is crazy, a good crazy - sometimes... ;D  So, I hope this kid is crazy too because if he's not, he's going to need a lot of patience and help to put up with us :P

                                                   Good luck Kakki!!!! I love you<3

Picture is not mine.

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