
Monday, June 24, 2013

My Review on the Film "The Purge"

Okay, so I have decided that my life posts are going to be called "World Curl" (might change it in the near future....)
Yesterday I was supposed to go see World War Z with my family but it was completely sold out so we decided to watch the movie I had been wanting to see ever since it came out, The Purge. (this is going to be a review/life post.)

I thought it was amazing!! I mean, it was a bit slow in the beginning but when the plot started it just took off (in a good way.) Now, it was no "The Exorcist," it took on a more suspenseful and creepy film approach. I personally wouldn't recommend it for kids ages 6 and under because there are some blood shedding scenes and then there is the whole plot where the people in the very creepy masks are saying "I'm coming to kill you, but my 7 year old brother saw it and he wasn't scared to the point where he was crying. Then again, he watches Resident Evil......

Basically, it was a really great movie, I liked how there were some funny scenes but it wasn't a "fall out of your seat" movie, which is good because they were coming across as a scary movie and I believe it delivered to that promise. It's a movie I would definitely see again, along with Monsters University. ;)

This just turned into a review....... whoops, sorry. 

I promise the next World Curl won't be a review.

Expose: all opinions are mine

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